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  Green is the only possible future

Sustainable Yacht Painting - Refit

Green Yachts is promoting innovative sustainable system to refit interiors and exteriors of yachts. A specialized team can change colour of hull and superstructure in few days, with no vox emission. Wide range of colours with possibiity of customization with special designs and logos. No need of having yacht covered , protected in controlled temperature area, no more need of perimeter scaffolding. Great reduction of costs and timing. All materials have 3 years warranty, are anti-scratch and no colour decay or of its luster.

Sustainable Paint System

Process :

• Definition of new colours and design with client
• Photorealistic simulation of new layout with selected colours and materials
• First check of surfaces
• Application of new colours , designs and logos
• Test and client approval
• Assistance and warranty

Example of Yacht Colour Simulation

Example Yacht Colour Simulation


For more information Contact us

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